BlogEmail marketing best practicesEmail Marketing Best Practices for 2018 – Webinar

Email Marketing Best Practices for 2018 – Webinar

2 min read
Marketing Director @Ongage

As the digital landscape changes each year, so do the challenges email marketers face. These changes have a direct impact on the practices email marketers can employ in order to improve their campaign effectiveness, manage their brand reputation and increase customer conversion and engagement. 

With 2017 coming to an end, we decided to join forces with leading SMTP solution Mailgunto share our combined best practices for 2018 email marketing.  To ensure anyone, anywhere, can join, we’re going to be sharing these tips through an online webinar on January 17th at 1PM CST.

Mailgun’s deliverability expert Nick Schafer will be hosting the event, and to get you excited, we’re sharing some of the things that Nick will talk about already now:

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Improve IP Reputation in 2018

One of the key things that email marketers will need to focus on in the upcoming year is their IP reputation.

When a company has a poor IP reputation, even the best emails can get lost in cyber space, instantly impacting a company’s overall conversion rates and ROI.  That is because the first step towards a successful email marketing campaign is ensuring the email finds its way to your customers’ inbox. 

By employing the best list hygiene practices, companies can improve their IP reputation, however that is not all that they can do.

During the webinar, Nick will discuss customer engagement policies and showcase how list hygiene can be maximized and how companies can handle unsubscribes and bounces in a way that doesn’t impact their reputation. 

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Giving Content Back the Crown

A few years ago, the phrase “content is king” dominated the digital space and in 2018, we still believe that, only with a few tweaks. 

Email marketers today looking to improve their campaign effectiveness need to focus on content and all that entails.  Email content starts with the right terms (and knowing which words trigger spam filters) and continues through the subject line and the chances it has of leading a customer to opening an email and engaging with the brand.  These things, alongside the integration of dynamic and personalized content as well as the use of images, all impact the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns. 

Fortunately, Nick Shafer knows a thing or two about email content and what email marketers should (and shouldn’t) do to improve their campaign engagement levels, and he’s going to share his insights during the webinar! 

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Reactivating Dormant Leads (the smart way) 

As companies grow, so do their lists. Unfortunately, large lists often bring with them un-engaged and dormant leads.

In addition to missing out on leads who could increase overall engagement, campaign effectiveness and ROI, dormant leads can impact your IP reputation (which you’re going to improve thanks to the tips Nick will share with you).  

So what else can you do with dormant leads? Reactivate them of course! There are lots of ways email marketers can reactivate dormant leads rather then wipe them off their lists, and Nick Shafer is going to share those too! 

Leveraging Your Analytics (into better results)

As competition increases in 2018, email marketers will need to improve their understanding of their analytics and learn how to leverage their analytics into actionable results.

The Ongage platform simplifies that by giving email marketers a strong dashboard by which all campaigns can be viewed and various parameters can be easily compared and assessed. 

The platform also gives email marketers the ability to automatically adjust split-test campaigns with the most converting variation in real time, however there is more that can be done with analytics – and of course Nick Shafer will talk about that during the upcoming webinar too!   

So how can you join? 

Marketing Director @Ongage
Marketing Director @Ongage. Sharon is an expert in online marketing, specializing in acquisition and growth strategies. On her downtime, she loves spending time with her family and catching up on classic cult movies.

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