Affiliates are in one of the most competitive marketing spaces. Even a small edge over other affiliates can have a significant impact on bottom line results. But, in a space where competitors play at the top of their game, how do you get that competitive edge?
Email Marketing: there are many edges
In affiliates’ email marketing operations, there are many ways to get an edge. You could offer better deals than others do, have more impactful subject lines, and create social media sharable emails. Studies (and most likely, your own experience) show that sending relevant content increases inbox deliverability, open rates, click rates, and conversions.
But everyone does relevant content, that, in and of itself, is not an edge, right?
How do you create ongoing relevant content?
The complaint we hear (and read and see) most often is that creating relevant content for each list segment takes a lot of time.
And for affiliates, time is money.
But what if there were a way to create email with relevant, timely, and pertinent content to each list segment (and each subscriber) . . . THAT would be an edge.
The edge already exists – who will take it first?
Let’s take the jobs industry. Sites like Juju , Raisr and Glassdoor offer great incentives for affiliates. And emailing subscribers with relevant job listings is a great draw.
Ongage offers dynamic content from job boards that you can easily connect to your marketing emails.
For example, by using our out-of-the-box integration with Indeed, you can create highly tailored and targeted job offerings for each recipient in a campaign. Your emails can include job offerings from the Indeed Job database, for each of your recipients based on their zip code/location and job title.
So that a web developer in Texas will see job like this:
And a nurse in Brooklyn will get something like this:
Is it hard to get the edge?
It couldn’t be easier.
You create an email like this:
Your subscribers get results like this:
The process is incredibly streamlined so that with little effort, you save time and make money!
What will the edge do for you?
It will allow you to serve your subscribers instead of sell to your subscribers. That will improve your reputation. They will look forward to your messages, open them excitedly, click on them expectantly, and eagerly await the next week’s (or day’s) message from you.
In a bigger picture, it will make you more successful than other affiliates.
In the biggest sense, it will make you rich, buy you a mansion, a Ferrari, and a ticket to space. Just kidding . . . or maybe not . . . try it and see for yourself.