ISPs (Internet Service Providers) use spamtraps to identify and filter-out spam emailers. They take the form of email addresses, that the ISPs know shouldn’t be receiving email communications from senders.
When an email marketing message is sent to a spamtrap, it demonstrates to the ISPs that the sender could be a potential spammer. This is because the ISPs know that the email address in question is either an old email address which is no longer in use, or an email address that’s been set-up with the sole purpose of catching email senders out, known as a pure spamtrap.
You can read more about what spamtraps are and how they work in our earlier blog post, available here.
Why are spam filters important when it comes to bulk mailing?
Due to the nature of bulk mailing in sending large batches of your email communications to large audiences at one time, your email marketing operation is more susceptible to falling foul of spamtraps.
These days competition is tough, and spam filters are working harder than ever to filter out poor emails to keep recipients and inbox users on the right side of a good experience.
So when it comes to bulk mailing specifically, here are our top three tips to help you avoid those pesky spam traps:
1. Never assume you have permission
With large email mailing lists especially, it’s easy for brands to forget where their data has come from in the first place. Especially for teams where new people join and people have left, data has been inherited and lists have been amalgamated to serve different purposes & objectives. In situations such as these, it’s absolutely key to never assume you have permission to send.
Use a double opt-in strategy to ensure any new data is permissioned, and only send to those accounts that you have clear opt-in date & timestamps for. Sending to non-permissioned email addresses makes you a prime target for spamtraps, and you can’t take this risk to your sender reputation when you need to keep it tip-top to continue bulk mailing.
2. Remember the importance of throttling
Email throttling is where an ISP limits the amount of emails you can send within a certain period of time, such as one hour. By throttling your email campaign sends you can abide by this pre-set rule which will help your emails pass smoothly via the ISP. Throttling also limits spam trap triggers to a certain extent by enabling you to break down your bulk mailing lists into smaller, more manageable sends, assisting with IP warming and your sender reputation.
3. Utilizing Dynamic Content
The best way to manage your bulk mailing sends is by using Dynamic Content, but this can also help you to avoid spam traps too. Dynamic Content allows for heightened personalization of email content, without having to manually segment your campaigns or manage multiple sends. This provides each individual recipient with customized email content specific to them, which creates a high-quality, valuable email experience. By demonstrating this high level of quality within your email communications, ISPs will see you as a quality sender, which will keep you out of the sights of spam traps.
For more insights on high volume mailing, check out our complete guide