BlogFeature releaseUp Your Performance with our Exciting August Releases!

Up Your Performance with our Exciting August Releases!

2 min read
Email marketing platform

 We constantly want to do better, and we do! We have recently introduced several exciting new features on our Ongage platform that are guaranteed to make a difference to your email marketing performance this summer.

New Ongage features for better email marketing

Litmus Email Preview

We have implemented Litmus, a preview testing tool which lets you preview your emails across 30+ real email clients (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc) and devices in minutes, into our interface – allowing you to manage your preview testing from within your Ongage account. All this will save you time, help you optimize your emails for all devices and make email testing quick and easy.

Dynamic XML Feeds

This feature can automate your email setup and save you a lot of time. By setting up dynamic XML feeds on your website, the information can be automatically fed into an email and setup as an automated campaign using the event management functionality. For example: you can setup an automated campaign to trigger an email that includes weather, news or daily deals fed into an email from your website which is sent daily to your database.

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Postback Links

You can now collect a value from an email and add it to a data field. What does that mean? For example: if a recipient clicks on a link within your email, any value that is attributed to that link during the setup of the email can be fed back into an assigned data field. So if the link in your email links to an article on ‘knitting’, you can feed that value back into an ‘interest’ data field, so that you will be able to segment based on interest data field in future campaigns. Another very useful use for this feature is for enabling double opt-in. After a subscriber registers on your system, you might want to send them a validation email. When the new subscriber clicks on the validation link within the email, a value will be sent back to a relevant data field that he is now ‘double opt-in’.

Secure Auto Login

No more login barriers! Now your subscribers can be securely and automatically logged in to your website, just by clicking on a link within the email you send them. You create a seamless user experience for your subscriber and in the process also significantly increase conversion rates from your emails.

ABCDE Split Testing

AB testing? Great. Now you can ABCDE test. Split testing can be setup to test 5 different versions of email templates, subject lines, segments or email service providers at the same time. You can now learn so much more from each campaign and improve your activity quicker!

Magento Integration

We now have seamless integration with Magento, the leading e-commerce software and platform, allowing you to coordinate your work on both systems, including syncing subscribers between both systems, sending transactional and promotional emails, managing multiple lists, suppressions and unsubscribes.

And what’s coming up (very) soon?

  • Litmus Spam Score: an embedded testing tool which tests the authentication and reputation of your email, providing actionable advice.
  • Geo targeting: for ‘opens’ and ‘clicks’ information on IP and county will be automatically collected for segmentation and retargeting at a later stage.
  • Browser & device targeting: for ‘opens’ and ‘clicks’ information on browser and device types will be automatically collected for segmentation and retargeting at a later stage.
  • Drag and drop email editor which helps you create your email HTML even quicker!

Do you have questions or need more detail? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

For a full list of key features, checkout the Features page.

Email marketing platform
Ongage is an email marketing platform for high-end campaigns, and mailers that want to communicate with, and get to know their customers better.

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